Sunday, April 5, 2009

Brandon's Homemade Slip-n-slide!

I know this sounds cheesy, but I am continually reminded how fortunate and lucky I am to have Brandon as my husband. I have never met anyone so fun on so many levels. He looks at life as something to enjoy and to cherish along the way. He LOVES creating memories for the kids, and I'm constantly reminding him that he is their FATHER and not their older BROTHER! Sometimes I feel like I have an extra child to keep an eye on! This evening, I heard him go outside and start gathering the kids together....we had decided it was time to bathe the kids and we were going to do it together....I didn't hear them coming up the stairs, so I went outside to see what was going on. To my amazement, not to my surprise, he had rolled out a HUGE roll of plastic that we had outside for some random project, and was spreading it out and holding it down with some extra wood we had. As I walked outside, Porter came running past me with the dishsoap in hand. I was instructed to grab the hose, as Dad was showing the kids "the time of their lives!" He proceeded to instruct them how to PROPERLY go down the homemade slip-n-slide. It was hilarious!


Meet the Houdeks said...

those are the best kind of memories. brandon's a great dad and big brother.

Stephenie Welch said...

You must have had a very fun time. I miss all of you.


Jenna said...

That is AWESOME. What a great, spontaneous dad!

Katie said...

Hil-ar-ious!! I love it! Nice action shots.